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Branch Secretary Response to Annual Leave and EMT 4 Proposals

Dear All GMB members.

Thank you very much for all the constructive feedback on the draft annual leave and EMT4 proposals.

Today GMB London Ambulance Service Union officially responded to the Draft proposals that were shared with GMB on the 14th January 2019 at the joint staff council. Please see attached document.

The feedback that we received from our GMB membership was very clear that the draft annual leave proposal had no benefits for staff and only reduces our terms and conditions and was totally unacceptable to our members.

GMB LAS Union will keep all our members informed of any future developments.

If you know any of your colleagues that are not in the GMB and would like to join so they can have a say about their terms and conditions please ask them to visit GMB.ORG.UK and complete the on line application.

Kind Regards

Clive Tombs

GMB LAS Union Branch Secretary

Posted: 7th March 2019

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